Become the artist you were meant to be.

ROOTED is a 3 month mentorship that explores your creative identity, pairing your unique strengths and art with business ideas. This framework was specifically designed to help you (no matter your medium) unlock your potential and thrive in your art practice.


This is the last time ROOTED will be offered!

Inside ROOTED you'll uncover:

  • Your Unique Path

    You'll know and understand the paths available to you as an artist and be able to choose the one that best suits you.

  • Your Best Ideas Yet

    You'll be grounded in your ideas and differences, seeing how they benefit your business and space.

  • Your Truest Voice

    You'll be able to authentically attract a community and market your work effectively (and in a way that feels good).

  • Your Next Steps

    You'll find clarity in your vision and be able to plan out your next steps confidently so you can achieve it.

  • Your Foundation

    You'll feel confident in your art and abilities and be able to continue to make progress on your own.

  • Your Infinite Potential

    You'll become a thriving creative having the tools necessary to build a creative career with your work.

ROOTED is for the artist who:

  • Struggling to make sense of the art world and their place in it.

  • Frustrated with the round about answers about selling artwork.

  • Craves purpose and meaning in their work.

  • Ready to move forward but uncertain about where they should go.

  • Wants to find their market demand without selling out.

  • Looking at the success of others wondering how to make it theirs.

  • Is committed to developing their skill as an artist and business owner.

How ROOTED is different:

  • 1:1 Mentorship

    Your journey through this course has the support you need as you encounter questions and obstacles in your art practice.

  • Individuality + Uniqueness

    You are the focus of this course and uncovering your strengths and uniqueness is the goal. ROOTED gives you the tools you need to build a solid foundation for you to grow and thrive from on your own.

  • Empowerment

    No list to be found of things to do to bring about success, being an artist is much more individual than that. Instead you’ll get countless resources to help you build your own path forward.

You have a dream and you know this creative call is inside of you for a reason.

There's no reason to keep feeling lost, it's time to find clarity and ground your art practice. Inside ROOTED you'll find the tools needed to navigate questions like, "Who is my ideal customer," and "What problem does my business solve?". When you're done with the course, you'll be able to make sense of the business world and how to blend it with your art practice.


  • 1

    Become Deeply Rooted.

    • 🌱Welcome Mentee!

    • 💖Things To Take Note Of:

    • ✨Before you start...

  • 2

    Module One

    • 🎥 Change Your Soil

    • 📝Writing Out Your Business Plan

    • ✨Module One Reflection

    • 🌱Bonus: Root & Restore

  • 3

    Module Two

    • 🎥 Your Aligned Path

    • 🔮Create Your Vision Board

    • ✨Write Your Vision Statement

    • 📝Bonus: The Wild Alignment

  • 4

    Module Three

    • 🎥 Mindset

    • ✨ Module Three Reflection

    • 📝The Confidence Workbook

    • 🎧 Ep. #106: Trusting Your Curiosity w/ Artist Sarah Stieber

    • 💻Coaching Call Replay #1

  • 5

    Module Four

    • 🎥 Developing Your Work

    • ✨ Choosing A Focus

    • 📝What's My Style?

    • 📖 Journal Prompts for Portfolio Development

  • 6

    Module Five

    • 🎥 The Artist's Ideal Customer

    • ✨ Homework: Story Sentence

    • 📝Who's My Customer?

    • ❓ Quiz: What's Your Creative Type?

    • 💰 Your Ideal Client

  • 7

    Module Six

    • 🎥 What Problem Does Your Business Solve?

    • ✨Your Problem & Solution

    • 🌸Bonus: Create Your Purpose

  • 8

    Module Seven

    • 🎥 Part One: Content Creation

    • 📲Engaging With Your Audience

    • 📣 Bonus: Writing Killer Captions

    • 🎥 Part Two: Organizing Your Projects

    • 📝She Made Progress

    • 🎥 Creating A Workflow In Airtable

    • Coaching Call #2: Recording

  • 9

    Module Eight

    • 🎥 Sustainable Opportunities

    • 📝Pitching Guide: I've Got An Idea

    • ✨Homework: Create Your Own Pitch

    • 🚗 Bonus: Shaping Your Artist Path

  • 10

    Module Nine

    • 🎥 Money & Marketing

    • 💰 Establishing Your Value

    • ✨Module Nine Reflection

    • ✉ Bonus: You've Got Mail!

  • 11

    Module Ten

    • 🎥 Branding

    • ✨Branding Prompts to Get You Started

    • 🎥 Building Your Brand Book

    • 🙂 Submit Your Brand Book

    • 💛Timeless vs. Trendy

    • 📽️ Coaching Call #3

  • 12

    Final Reflection

    • 🎥 Revisiting Your Business Plan

    • 📝 CEO Questions

    • 💖Final Thoughts

  • 13

    Studio Resources

    • 🎨Panic Painting - Creative Exercise

    • 2022 Studio Supplies - What I use and love

    • 📦 Shipping Secrets - A How To

    • ✅ To Do: The Complete Launch Checklist

    • 🎉 Hype Your Launch - By Carly Wiggers

Each module and month, builds upon the insight and information given in the previous one. The content is tailored to your questions and needs during the coaching calls and the additional resources available enhance your learning by offering new perspectives by others.


  • What's the investment?

    This last run through of ROOTED is $400 upfront, $134 x 3 months, or $70 x 6 months.

  • How does the mentorship part work?

    ROOTED is unique because it allows you to submit homework and ask questions I personally respond to. Though there are no 1:1 calls, the group calls are still an intimate space to have questions and ideas examined in an encouraging setting.

  • How do I know if it's right for me?

    If you ever struggled to find purpose, motivation, or answers for your art... ROOTED is for you. This course is the chance to prioritize your creativity and choose your art in a way that fulfills you.

  • What is the time investment?

    You can expect to spend 1-2 hours a week on ROOTED content, some weeks being lighter than others.

  • How long can I access the ROOTED coursework?

    You get access to ROOTED for one year from sign up. This will allow you to revisit the framework as many times as you'd like after our "official" time together ends.

  • How many coaching calls are there?

    There are 3 one hour (or so) coaching calls spread out that will dive into the submitted questions and content from the month. All calls will be recorded if they can't be attended live.

  • When is the enrollment period?

    You can sign up for ROOTED today! This course will run February 1st-April 30th. This is the last walkthrough I will have with students but you will be able to revisit and submit questions past 4/30/23.

Grow your artist roots deep: choose the best way to invest in your art.